Update: Master Mandarin 3.0 is now available!
I am excited to announce that the brand new version of Master Mandarin: How to Learn Mandarin Chinese Anywhere in the World will be released on April 6, 2020 in both digital and print versions.
There is still time to make a few changes and additions.
Would you do me a quick favor? I am looking for insight on how I can make the book most useful for you.
If you have a spare minute or two, please let me know:
- What are you struggling with most in your language learning journey?
- What do you find most difficult about Mandarin Chinese specifically?
- What content, methods, resources, etc. do you hope I include?
You can either leave a comment below or send me a quick email here.
It’s okay if it’s just a sentence or two. Anything is helpful!
Okay, back to writing and editing I go. I am really proud of how the book is turning out and can’t wait to share it with you in a few weeks.
John Fotheringham (方靖武)